Morning at a Coffee Shop

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Saya duduk di sebuh kedai kopi di samping toko buku besar di bilangan jalan Purnawarman, Bandung. Minggu pagi udah keluar rumah aja, tumben… biasanya masih males-malesan.. hahaha.. Saya memesan semangkuk Chicken Cream Soup dan secangkir Caramel Machiatto – one of my favorite caffeine – panas.

Sambil menikmati sarapan, saya memperhatikan orang-orang yang berlalu lalang di jalan kecil di samping kedai itu. Ada Ibu dan Bapak yang ngajak anak-anaknya liburan ke toko buku, ada cewe-cewe muda dengan dandanan khas Bandungnya yang centil, ada anak muda cewe yang berpenampilan kek tante-tante dengan mek ap tebal, ada anak muda cowo dengan kawannya. Ada juga pasangan-pasangan yang saling berpegangan tangan dengan wajah sumringah, karena hari ini adalah hari minggu, dan saatnya pacaran =p.

Ada juga adegan yang saya geli ngeliatnya, cowo yang nganter cewenya yang terlihat centil dengan hotpants dan baju ketat, nenteng tas, cowonya jalan di belakangnya dengan terburu-buru ngejar cewenya yang terlihat pasang tampang jutek.. hahahaha..

Ada juga anak kecil yang maceuh.. dia udah lari-lari sendiri di depan dengan histeris, sedangkan bapak dan ibunya di belakangnya jalan santai, si ibunya, gendong adiknya yang masih kecil, baru umur bulanan mungkin..

Ada juga cewe cowo yang jalan sendiri, sibuk dengan BB nya, entah SMSan, entah FBan, Twitteran, dan lain-lain. Mereka ini adalah tipikal korban teknologi, dan akhirnya menjadi antisosial – gak peka sama kejadian di sekelilingnya maksudnya, karena ada BB. hehehe..

Si mas-mas waitress na oge teu dek cicing ngoceh bari nyanyi lagu deui.. hahaha. biarinlah.. pagi yang berwarna.. hari ini cerah.. dan Bandung pasti macet – lagi..

Hahahaha, one of my favorite things when I have nothing to do. Just sit, and watch everything that moves around me. Nothing, just sit, and watch.. scene on life is better than scene on a movie..

Hahaha, loba gaya pisan saya.. cem-cem di luar negeri.. cem-cem punya duit.. wkwkwkwk.. biar lah.. salah satu cara untuk menikmati hidup..

Nasihat-nasihat Bapak pt.1 – Novel “Pukat”

“Banyak sekali contoh kebaikan sederhana di dunia ini yang semakin pudar, Pukat. Besok lusa, saat kau melihat dunia, pindah dari kampung ini, kau akan melihat lebih banyak lagi kebaikan-kebaikan kecil yang hilang, digantikan kesombongan dan keserakahan hidup.” Bapak menyeka bibir, kopi luwaknya meninggalkan bekas.

“Rasa senang yang muncul dari proses kebaikan tidak akan bisa dibeli oleh uang segunung..” Bapak menunjuk telunjuknya ke atas.

Bapak benar, “jangan pernah membenci Mamak kau, jangan sekali-sekali… Karena jika kau tahu sedikit saja apa yang telah ia lakukan demi kalian, maka yang kau tahu itu, sejatinya bahkan belum sepersepuluh dari pengorbanan, rasa cinta, serta rasa sayangnya pada kalian..


William Shakespeare’s Quote – 1

“Love looks not with eyes, but with the mind..”

– Midsummer Night’s Dream – Act I, Scene I –

“The course of true love never did run smooth..”

– Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act I, Scene I –

“There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so..”

– Hamlet, act II, scene II-

well then, the 3rd quote becomes my favorite one.. =)

Are Men More Romantic Than Women..??

A girlfriend of mine told me her boyfriend asked her last week which she preferred — opals or pearls. She said, “Ink cartridges.” Her boyfriend was crestfallen when she explained that she’d prefer that he gift wrap a six-month supply of those expensive little ink cartridges for her printer/scanner than slip her a romantic necklace the night before Christmas.

This came as no surprise to me. In my own, and from the many studies I’ve read on romanticism among the genders, it appears that yet another gender myth can be dismantled: Men, typically, are more romantic than women.

When relationship researchers talk about romanticism, it refers to a person’s general beliefs about love — not one’s feelings about a specific person and his or her behaviors.

Between you and your partner, who is more romantic? The answer might surprise you. Take this quick true-or-false quiz to learn more about your own level of romanticism.

True / False — I believe in love at first sight.
True / False — I fall in love easily, and when I do, I fall hard.
True / False — I believe there is a perfect soul mate out there somewhere for me.
True / False — If I don’t have passionate feelings for someone right away, chances are s/he’s not “the one.”
True / False — No matter what challenges life presents, love can conquer all.
True / False — When you’re truly in love, passion never fades; it can last forever.

Now, count up the number of “true” answers.


  • 1-2: You’re a realist. You are probably more interested in a partner who can take a toaster apart or get along with your eccentric parents than one who makes passes at you in public.
  • 3-4: You’re a secret dreamer. You may harbor secret fantasies about love and romance, but you’re still firmly attached to the idea that a partner is, above all else, a source of security and your anchor in life.
  • 5-6: You’re a total romantic. You can list the best on-screen kisses of all time — because you’ve watched them over and over! You envision you and your partner madly in love at 90 and still whispering sweet nothings in each other’s ears.

Okay, now you know a bit more about your own romantic beliefs. But what about those of your partner? What do you do if you are a lot less — or more — romantic than your partner?

My own research and that of others shows that men tend to believe that love should be more passionate than women generally do. It also shows that men fall in love more easily than women. In my long-term study, I was genuinely surprised by the number of men who were smitten with their wives long before their wives even took them seriously. That’s a pattern other researchers have found, as well. Women, in general, tend to have more pragmatic views of love.

If you are a man, you may be frustrated by your girlfriend or wife’s practical approach to lovemaking and romance. Does she roll over, put on her bathrobe, and start checking her e-calendar moments after you’ve made love? Does she e-mail you to schedule a “date” after the gym but before her 7 o’clock meeting? Don’t take these behaviors personally. She’s not dissing you. She’s simply compartmentalizing her romantic feelings. This is common among women. If it bothers you, let her know that you’d like to do things your way sometimes. That is, linger in bed in each other’s arms listening to jazz. Or spontaneously making love — at an odd time or in an unusual place — once in a while.

If you are a woman, you may feel put off by his amorous advances when you’re trying to study at night. Or his complaints that you don’t seem to care about him anymore. He’s not being a big baby — he’s being a guy. For men, frequent shows of physical affection and small endearments, such as holding hands or kissing, are very reassuring. It’s fine to be practical about your love relationship, but at least some of the time, let him feel like the two of you are in a movie. Take the time to create a romantic mood or scene for him. You’ll both be glad you did.

When two partners are sensitive to each others’ attitudes toward romanticism, and make an effort to gain insight into what each other needs and likes, you may discover that both his romanticism and her practical approach to love have their advantages.


Hmmmmm, well, maybe that’s true.. men try to be romantic, but the women ignore him.. lol..

by : Dr. Terri Orbuch

Torabika Cappuccino

Bukan ingin menjadi seorang sales promotion gay, ups, guy maksudnya.. hahaha.. but I do love this product recently.. Torabika Cappuccino.

Well, it’s nice blended instant cappuccino i think. And don’t forget for the choco granule attached to each coffe packet. Actually i’m a caffeine addict, and i think this product is a good instant stuff.. Better than the others that produce instant cappuccino I think (G**d da*, and Ne**af*, hihihi..) And the last word, you should try this one.. =B

Indonesian People’s Weaknesses – pt.1

Hi American, Israeli, or anyone who wants to dominate and control Indonesia and all it’s resources.. Let me tell you some about the characters of Indonesian.Well, just like Katsumoto says in The Last Samurai : “Knowing your enemy is halfway to win the war..” So, if you plan to dominate and control Indonesia, you have to know the character of most Indonesian people.

1. Most of Indonesian People are easy to provoked

Well, yeah, you just throw a case and attach some idea, attach some opinion, which can provoke them into chaos. They media will focus to one case that has big selling point, and they will forgot about another case. So, you can penetrate to them by divert their interest, while you attack another area of Indonesia.

Another case, you can make them war to each other easily. You just incite them with some case, especially a sensitive case like their religious difference or ethnicity. You can make them war, while you penetrate their defenses.

2. Indonesian people have no strong belief

Although most of them are moslem, but I can assure you that they have no strong foundation to their religion, Islam. The religion that they claim only to be written in their identity cards. They claim they’re moslem, but they doesn’t follow what their religion rule says. They have no idea about what they trust as religion. Well, in my opinion, people who have no strong belief are easily to be affected.

You can easily attack their mind with something destructive, using media. For example, Use (what they’re called) “sinetron“, or maybe something more camouflage things like Facebook, Twitter, or something else. You just attach some destructive things into their media that frequently and widely used by them. You can make them have weak mind, you can make them can’t think, can’t make a reason. And oh yeah.. you can easily attack their young generation by this strategy.

For your info, currently, they are easily change their mind and easily incite, because their ability to belief something right are weaker, or maybe not even exist.

3. Most of Indonesian people are stupid!!

Why..?? hahaha.. actually they have a bad habit. Most of their men are smokers, even their youngster, and now, their woman are start to be smokers. Most of them have slogan “No days without smoking”. Well then, some research about smoking said that smoking lowers IQ. Here some articles about that case :,2933,172019,00.html

And you can find another articles on Google. Yeah, most of them are really stupid. Actually, money that they use to buy cigarettes, they can use for better things, or they can save for their future. And damn, they’re really-really stupid right..?? smoking has become their lifestyle. Another funny thing, cigarette industry in Indonesia is one of the biggest industry that has the biggest income.

4. Indonesian government is held by people who are greedy and have no qualification

In my opinion, the government’s duty (especially in republican state) is to prosper his people. Well, because the government itself has been greedy, insane by wealth, and insane by power, they have no time to take care of their people. It’s people have no trust to the government. This situation, if you smart enough to provoke them, can be a revolution of this country. People against the government. You can find a lot this case in Indonesian province or district.

Well then, I just have 4 of their characters, there’s another characters of Indonesian people. If you wanna share, i would be glad to hear it from you.. =B if you want to dominate and control Indonesia. Nyahahahahahaha..!!

Actually, they are a rich and strong country and maybe they can be one of the powerful countries in the world if they realize and improve themselves from their weaknesses. But they aren’t realize yet.. hmmm, just wondering if Indonesia become one of the powerful countries in the world.. haha..

The Secret of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel – Review

Have you ever heard about Nicholas Flamel..?? yap, The Alchemist..

Then, how about Perenelle Flamel..?? Dr. John Dee..?? Niccolo Machiavelli..?? Billy The Kid..?? William Shakespeare..?? Gilgamesh..?? Joan D’Arc..?? Comte St.Germain..?? Palamedes..?? Virginia Dare..?? Niten..?? Black Hawk..??

Did you ever know the truth, that they’re The Immortals..??

Did you ever known that the world has ever ruled by The Elders..?? And, have you ever heard about them..?? Hekate..?? Scathach..?? Mars Ultor..?? Morrigan..?? Bastet..?? The Witch of Endor..?? Areop-enap..?? Odin..?? Prometheus..?? Isis and Osiris..?? Disir..?? Tammuz..?? Benzaiten..?? Quetzalqoatl..??

And how about the others..?? Have you ever heard about Phobos and Deimos..?? Minotaur..?? Werewolf..?? Sphinx..?? Excalibur..?? Clarent..??

You can find all those things at The Secrets of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel books..

There’re 6 books. The Alchemist, The Magician, The Sorceress, The Necromancer, The Warlock, and The Enchantress.

There’re 4 books that have been published. There’re 2 books left, The Warlock and The Enchantress that’s not yet published. Well, I give 8 point for those Books scale 10. I enjoy read those books.

The books tells about Nicholas Flamel – The Alchemist, and his wife, Perenelle Flamel – The Sorceress, as guardians of Codex, book of Abraham. The book is lost. The modern world could be ripped apart at the seams! The Alchemyst is a contemporary fantasy which opens in modern day San Francisco when brother and sister, Josh and Sophie discover that the owner of the bookstore where Josh works is the immortal French alchemist, Nicholas Flamel. Flamel and his wife, Perenelle, are the guardians of the Book of Abraham which they have protected for centuries. This is a collection of the most powerful spells in the world. When Dr John Dee discovers the Flamels whereabouts, he attacks and snatches the book. Josh and Sophie intervene to help Flamel, but now they too are being hunted by Dee and creatures that predate humanity. The book has also a prophecy : “The two that are one, The one that is all..” that Nicholas and Perenelle believe that the prophecy refers to the twins, Sophie and Josh.

All of the main characters in The Alchemyst series are based on figures from history or mythology.
In his diaries he writes extensively about discovering the Book of Abraham, and his long quest to translate it. He claims he discovered the secret of the Philosopher’s Stone – how to turn base metal into gold – and also the secret of eternal life.

The adventure of Nicholas, Perenelle, Sophie, and Josh continue, with all characters based from history and mythology. They’re hunted by The Magician, Dr. John Dee and Dark Elders for two pieces of Codex.

And now, I do read for the 4th book, The Necromancer. And Josh become The Necromancer.. hahaha.. Happy reading.. =B

The Warlock, comming soon..