Cerpen Sunda – Open

Aya urang baduy jalan-jalan ka kota, manehna ningali panto bank anu aya tulisan “OPEN”.

Pikir manehna :

Naha aya jalma nyieun OPEN gede-gede teuing ?? sagede kumaha teuing ieu jalma nu nyieun kuehna ??

Teu lila, aya urang bule rek asup ka bank, atuh si urang baduy teh nyarekan ka si bule

Ulah asup kana OPEN.. panas nyaho !!

Si bule olohok bari asup ka jero bank, teu lila kaluar urang negro..

Tuuh kan ceuk kuring oge tong asup kana OPEN, Jadi weh tutung..!!

Happy Birthday Mom..

Happy birthday Mom.. =) Live long and prosper..

and I remember one song for this very moment..

Sometimes i feel my heart so lonely but it’s ok
No matter how my girl just left me and i just don’t care
Whenever the rain comes down and it’s seems there’s no one to hold me
She’s there for me, its she’s my mom

Just for my mom, i write my song
Just for my mom, i sing this song
Its just for mom, can wipe my tears
Its just my mom, can only here

Trap in a subway, can’t remember the day but i feel ok
Damped in damn situation, in every condition with no conclusion
Whenever the rain comes down and it’s seems there’s no one to hold me
She’s there for me, its she’s my mom

You may say i have no one,to cover me under the sun
You only get it from your mom

well, it’s raining.. and cold..

You’re an Ice

I’ve tried to keep it always warm. but you’ve made it as cold as ice. and I have trouble to make it warm as before now. I lost my strength inside to feel it again. It just like flying in the dark now. just like dying in the sun. I lost myself. And you don’t feel what I feel, I guess, because you’re just too cold, as cold as ice. You’re beautiful, and you’re cold. Just like an ice. Yeah, you’re an ice.

Winter is coming.. =)